The World's Only AI Hunting & Wildlife Management Platform

HuntPro is a powerful and scalable AI Hunting & wildlife management technology platform. With HuntPro’s artificial intelligence engine, you can instantly and easily access, manage, and understand wildlife populations and property activity. HuntPro works with any brand of trail camera, and is accessible through any mobile device or web browser.

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HuntPro AI has 5 Patents for it's proprietary AI software

Learn why ranches that use HuntPro provide the highest quality hunting experience for their guests.

HuntPro phone app screenshot of tagged bucks on a property
HuntPro Logo All White

Solves Your Biggest Problems

  • Image Acquisition w/ AI - Make sure image uploads have their contents categorized correctly and are reviewed as quickly as possible, which powers all of the following benefits.
  • Efficiency of managing images - Time savings or actual completion of the task to empower population survey, activity and heat map models and unique buck id.
  • Create Approved Target Lists – Stop wasting time printing and updating coffee table print outs and guide / hunter handouts and provide those through our mobile application.
  • Harvest list kept current as animals come in harvest list are updated and can be reviewed at any time by biologists, guests, and employees.  No need to maintain the bloody logbook after the warden has checked off what is in the cooler.
  • Manage hunters on property - place in best stand location, group for drop off and pickup, safety – plan with guides and hunters after the morning hunt and after dinner to organize transport to and from locations.
  • Owner Updates for your leaseholder or anyone else that is footing the bill through our web portal or mobile app.  Remember creating shared drives, or even worse spreadsheets with links to Dropbox? HuntPro solves that issue as efficiently as possible, modernizing your collaboration.
  • Identify Problem areas that need to be addressed from images and create worklists and have what you need in the truck to address battery, fencing, camera, feed and time issues.
HuntPro phone app screenshot of property lines and hunting stands
HuntPro AI is an awesome tool that uses artificial intelligence to identify wildlife on our hunting farm. It has become an invaluable tool and something that we think anyone who is serious about wildlife management should take advantage of!
Mark Williams & Dave Skinner

Owners, Kentucky Buck Factory

Who can use HuntPro?

Huntpro can help you manage any hunting or wildlife operation, whether you manage thousands of  acres in Texas, large farms in Georgia, large parcels of private land, or over 100,000 acres in Africa. If you are passionate about hunting, wildlife management, or wildlife research, we can help!

Guides and Guests
Farm Owners
Ranch Owners & Managers
Wildlife Professionals / Biologists
Researchers / Conservationalists

Manage Your Property & Wildlife Better

Finally an all in one solution to sorting the large volume of images from the cameras, creating shoot and do not shoot lists, map tools, assigning hunt locations, analyzing data via activity & heatmaps, population survey, logging harvest data, and much more!

View More Features
Access: Advanced AI Tagging

Filter through through the noise with the fastest image acquisition and AI tagging, compatible with cellular cameras and traditional SD or other network upload. All stored in a cloud native secure system.

Manage: Sort Pictures Faster

Automatically filter images for target species, tag animals, manage trophies in the most efficient tool available and easily provide that information to your employees and guests.

Understand: Easily Manage Herds

Whether you are conducting a traditional trail camera survey, creating a do not shoot or hit list, studying movement and activity, or analyzing harvest data - this is all at your fingertips within the system.

HuntPro Scales With You

HuntPro AI has unmatched, out-of-the-box functionality, with 20+ cutting edge features in all of it's base subscriptions. There is no other tool on the market with this kind of base functionality!

Schedule a Demo
Hunter / Professional
Buy NowBuy Now
  • Unlimited Users
  • Up to 25,000 Images Annually
  • Speed Uploader and Compatible Cellular Camera Uploads
  • Enhanced Image Acquisition AI
  • Buck ID Mode
  • Advanced Notification Options For Cellular Image Uploads
  • HuntPro Stand Index
  • Weather and Wind Forecast
  • Population Study / Survey Tools
  • Harvest Management Lists
  • Harvest Logging and Analytics
  • Activity Heat Maps
  • Sighting Data Tools and Reporting
  • Free Use of Mobile Application for All Users
  • Web Portal Access for User and System Administration
  • Unlimited Data Folders (Properties or Projects)
  • User Messaging for Property Specific Updates and HuntPro Feature Updates
  • Property Map - Satellite, Topo, and Street Options with Map Layers
  • Parcel and Property Line Information and Display
  • Map Drawing Tools Including Measurement, Breadcrumb, and Marker Sharing 
  • Software Set-up and Tutorial Videos
Ranch / Farm / Reserve
Buy NowBuy Now
Everything in Hunter / Professional
  • Up to 50,000 Images Annually
  • Property Waiver and Form Capture
  • Reservations and Rules Administration with Configurable Notifications
  • User Request for Assistance or Aid with Configurable Notifications
  • Zone Management
  • User Tracking on Property
  • Advanced Image Analytics
  • User Activity and Application Use Reporting
  • Data Export Capabilities
  • Observation
  • Survey
  • Image
  • Location
  • Harvest Data
Research / Conservation
Contact Us
All Listed Features + List Below
  • Project Based Reporting
  • Custom AI Training
  • High Image Count Pricing
  • New Object Detection